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-Romance Author-
Nicki Pascarella
Book Coaching
with Nicki

Want to write a book but have no idea how to get started?
From concept to complete manuscript, Nicki can help you with your project.
Pay Per Hour Services Offered:
$50.00 an hour
1. Free copy of BookCasters book.
2. Zoom, email, telephone, or in-person consultations.
3. Working through creative blocks.
4. Planning your book.
5. Choosing a publishing path.
6. Outside-the-box marketing strategies.
7. One-on-one writing check-ins.
8. Time management stratagies.
9. Deep line edits with feedback.
10. Developmental edits.
11. Quick read with feedback.
12. Creative writing lessons.
13. Critiques.
14. Character and plot development.
Sign up for your free fifteen minute consultation to make sure we are a match.
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